Sunday, November 25, 2012

giving thanks

thanksgiving was special this year. i got to make a vegan pecan pie! it was a hit! my dad and baby sister (who are vegans) loved it! so did everyone else. i also made some special sweet potatoes.

it was also the first time my sisters and i were reunited after going back to school and my younger sister started college. it was so strange but we laughed nonstop for hours the first few hours we were together again. it felt amazing and it's a little bittersweet to have to return to school tomorrow with the last few weeks of the semester (final exams and projects eek) and then GRADUATION in just a couple unbelievable.

i loved being with my grandmother.. one of my best friends, my inspiration, and my number one role her and miss her so much. someone i am very thankful for.

so thankful to have been with my wonderful family (that overwhelms me at times), the amazing home food i ate all weekend (definitely gained 10 pounds), and my special home.

what did you do for thanksgiving? what are you thankful for?

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