Tuesday, November 13, 2012

little letters.

i love this little idea, adopted from the rockstar diaries (taza and husband). it brings self-awareness, thankfulness for the beautiful life you live, is a little silly, and a lot adorable. so here is my first entry of "little letters" hope you enjoy!

dear coffee,
every so often i forget how amazing you are and really get me through my long days like today. thank you for being there to keep me awake and alert. i would be dead without you (quite literally)

dear home,
i hope you're on your way back to 'normal.' i miss you and can't wait to share my love and encouragement.

dear baldwin, 
you've been my home for 15.5 years now and i'm terrified to see what Sandy has done to you...but i promise i will do my best to kiss all your boo boos better.

dear sissys,
it's been far too long since the three of us have been together. (almost) one week now and i couldn't be more excited for the annoyance, shouting, and dirty looks but even more for the slobbery kisses, laughs, and special moments.

dear cold,
welcome back...boo.

dear pumpkins,
thank you for all of your sacrifice to my belly this autumn! i've been enjoying many pumpkin spice coffee & lattes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, and even a little jack-o-lantern of my own this past halloween!


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