Friday, October 26, 2012

things i never did until you showed up.

eat turkey bacon (...and boy do i love it)
watch Gossip Girl with a boy (shh...don't tell him i told you he loves it!)
go to chipotle (so many food ready.)
think of ridiculous outfits for babies and kids
people watch (too much fun)
play fight/wrestle (never thought i'd enjoy it as much as i do)
want a puppy
eat pinkberry (one of our many obsessions)
think about baby names (mostly girl names)
relax for hours just laying on grass, staring at the sky, talking
go to a circus (cirque du soleil)
think about my wedding
wear my glasses when i was supposed to (yeah...i'm a little silly and a lot stubborn)
wear degree men (when i had no deodorant of my own)
eat/drink so many mcchickens, mcnuggets, and sweet teas (when he lived next to a mickie ds)
have girl crushes on zooey deschanel and emma stone (so gosh darn adorable)

..but most special of all {be in love with someone.}

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